“Rearranging spaces can seem like such a simple act but it can be truly profound.”

Hello and welcome to BLLiS,

When I was little my favorite thing to do was to rearrange tiny furniture in dollhouses and random findings in homemade cardboard box “houses”.

As I grew up, my spark for rearranging continued but I evolved the process a bit – I added reevaluation.

Throughout the course of my life, whether it was team spaces (i.e.: member development, corporate strategies, department structures) or physical spaces (learning centers, yoga studios, corporate HQs or my own personal spaces); if something wasn’t flowing, it got reevaluated and rearranged. And the impact(s) were truly profound. Unprecedented business results. Unprecedented personal/personnel growth. And unprecedented joy.

From dollhouses that impacted my inner child, to learning centers that impacted over a half a million students, parents, educators, and small business owners, it became increasingly evident that spaces have a profound impact on people.

As my perspectives on creating impactful environments broadened, I tested lessons learned on my own space. I reevaluated and rearranged. I decluttered. I integrated nature. I added a colorful light. I let in more sun. I painted a game on my floor. I co-created experiences with friends and family. I even put braille on my wall as a reminder that spaces are less about what you see and more about what you feel when you bring life/love into space.

I changed my space’s flow. And I changed my flow. Then I started working with others to explore ways to change theirs. And the impacts continue to be truly profound.

We spend 90% of our time indoors and we can do better with our spaces. A LOT BETTER. I want to Bring Life/Love into Spaces and continue the journey to reevaluate and rearrange spaces in a way that enables flow in (and out of) the home.

- Lyndsay Lowman, Founder of BLLiS